Friday, October 30, 2009

11th week Nov 2-6, 2009

English IA College Prep Bellaire High School
Lesson Plan #11Week #11
November 2-6, 2009

Topic: The Odyssey by Homer
- Focus on classic tradition
- Epic, Epic Hero, Epic Simile, Epithet, Epic Formula, Characterization/Character, Pun, In Media Res, Theme, Dramatic Irony, Repetition
The Circuit by Francisco Jimenez
- Focus on metaphor, setting, character/characterization, plot events, understatement, irony, diction, simile, imagery, sentence patterns, key words, paradigm, theme

HOMEWORK: Vocabulary SAT notes– Every Thursday
- #s 176-195: vagabond, interpose, din, frenzy, heft, taut, omen, contemptible, wily, revelry, throng, crimson, entrails, rash, implacable, revulsion, dislodge, aft, infuse, aloof, tremulous, impostor, desolation
Vocabulary sentence – due: Friday, Nov. 6

Grammar – GUM, pp. 104, 105-107 : Friday

1. Finish reading Books 21-23 and go over part two and three handout.
2. Review the following terms: epic, epic formula, Homeric epic, character/characterization, pun, dramatic irony, repletion, epic structure, epithet, epic simile, in media res, and theme.


Reading check : Chapters 1-4
Discuss and read some more.

Reading check: Chapters 5-8
Discuss and rdad some more.

Reading check : Chapters 9-12
Discuss and read some more.
Discuss some grammar concepts.