Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week #33 April 25-29, 2011

Literature: William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Grammar: Capitalization and punctuation
  • Write POPS with a couplet.
  • Write a sentence for each word in the vocabulary list this week with an internal rhyme. For a change, you might want to write a story about your day, or week; or a fictional one about anything instead of writing individual sentences for each word. EXTRA credit will be given if you have a story to tell. HIGHLIGHT all the words in context and UNDERLINE the internal rhyme.  Follow the rules of capialization and punctuation.
RJ#s 709-733 - discourse, fickle, conduit, tempest, proportion, stratagem, dissemble, calamity, haste, immoderate, inundation, slander, arouse, arbitrate, commission, vial, peevish, prostrate, provision, behoove, conceit, shroud, lamentable, heir

  • - Vocabulary SAT notes - due Thursday
  • - POPS with a couplet - due anytime this week not next week
  • - Sentences or story - due on Friday
  • - R & J Project 2011 - refer to handout for other details (due dates are subject to adjustments depending on testing dates.
    • SCRIPT with introduction due date: May 9-10, 2011
    • Recorded group presentation: May 16-20, 2011
    • Individual analysis essay due in class May 13, 2011 and on on May 16, 2011
    • Mask due date: May 23, 2011
    • Banquet (if time allows) – May 24, 2011 (Each group brings Renaissance-inspired dishes and students may come in their costumes for extra credit.)

 Daily Assignments:

Grammar and vocabulary SAt activities will be given throughout the week in place of a quiz.
  1. Continue to read, annotate, and discuss R & J.
  2. Work on a grammar activity (Grammardog).

TAKS daily - testing schedule
9th graders come to school at 12 noon on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fiday. On Thursday, 9th graders come at regular time to take the math test.
  1. View a clip of Act I.
  2. Continue to read, annotate, and discuss R & J.