Friday, May 6, 2011

Week #35 May 9-13, 2011

Literature: William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

  • Write five sentences daily using words in context - twenty five at the end of the week total. Surprise me with a grammatical and a literary concept you have mastered all through out the school year. You may write the sentences traditionally, or write them in a poem or a story.  Identify the concepts you love and mastered.
  • Write five POPS with a metonymy or synecdoche.
Vocabulary: RJ#s 759-783 provoke, inter, sunder, paramour, inauspicious, engross, unsavory, bliss, discern, sepulcher, conspire, ambiguity, impeach, tedious, savory, quotidian, fey, gay, pervasive, douse, pliable, neologism, commendable, profuse, abundant

- Vocabulary SAT notes - due Thursday
- Romeo and Juliet project - check handout for due dates
  • Script - Thursday, May 11
  • Recorded Group presentation - May 16-20
  • Mask - May 23
  • Banquet - May 24
- POPS and sentences - Friday

1. Review poetry terms to prepare for a test. Take the poetry test.

2. Continue to view RJ play and discuss guide questions.

1. Continue to view play and discuss RJ study questions.
2. Rehearse for parts in the RJ project.

Continue to view play and discuss RJ study questions.

Prepare for a vocabulary quiz on  Monday.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week # 34 May 2-6, 2011

Literature: William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
  • Write sentences types according to structure with vocabulary word in context. Label each set.
    • #s 734-738 simple
    • #s 739-743 compound
    • #s 744- 748 complex
    • #s 749- 753 compound-complex
  • #s 754-758 Write sentences with figurative language and word in context. Highlight the word in context and underline and identify the figurative language (simile, metaphor, personificaction, hyperbole, allusions, synecdoche, metonymy, etc.).
  • Review capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Write five American haikus with allusions.
Vocabulary: RJ #s 734-758 pilgrimage, rejoice, solace, ordain, melancholy, dirge, doleful, oppress, presage, kindred, defy, cull, penury, apothecary, disperse, contempt, pestilence, tread, behold, inexorable, prosperous, detestable, cram, apprehend, mercy

  • Vocabulary SAT notes - due every Thursday
  • American haikus - daily
  • Sentences - daily
  • RJ project - refer to the handout provided to you.
  1. Work on a SAT sentence completion assignment for RJ Act II.
  2. Work on Shakespearean Sonnets activity and analyze W.S. Sonnet 18.
  1. Discuss previous day's activities.
  2. Continue viewing of the last part of Act I.
Wednesday- Friday
  1. Continue reading, annotating, and discussing RJ.
  2. Check study questions.
  3. Discuss certain poetic terms used/applied in RJ.