Friday, April 27, 2012

Week #32 April 30-May 4, 2012

Literature: William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Vocabulary: #s 659-683 beseech, bondage, hoarse, wanton, virtue, predominant, intercession, brine, woe, rancor, afflict, constrain, exposition, gross, feign, consume, vanity, incorporate, baleful, addle, plague, dexterity, exile, amorous, sober

- SAT vocab notes #s 684-658 - due Monday, April 30
- SAT vocab notes #s 659-683 - due Monday, MAy 7

  • Take Test #9 vocab #s 684-658 and Act I.
  • Read Act II.
  • Analyze lines and how lines contribute to characterization.