Friday, October 12, 2012

Theme and Point of View

Week #8 October 15-19, 2012

Literature: Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias" 
Writing: Sentence writing
Vocabulary: divers, breach, tactic, convey, adversary, fury, avowal, disdain, glade, stealth, snare, vile, fodder, foreboding, kinsmen, succumb, dote, entice, flawless, chide, treachery, exquisite, consent, cleft, regale

  • SAT vocab notes on Odyssey words #1 - due: Oct. 15
  • Sentence Homework #4 - due: Oct. 17
  • Go over "How Evil Came Into the World."
  • Take vocabulary quiz (Odyssey #1) and mythology, creation, and Pandora's box.
  • View a prezi on "Ozymandias."
  • Read and annotate "Ozymandias" by Percy Shelly.
  • Analyze and discuss tone, irony, and theme in the poem.
  • Take the PSAT.
  • Go over sentence homework.
  • Analyze an discuss tone, irony, and theme in the poem.
Thursday - Friday

  • Work on the Ozymandias activities and discuss them.