Friday, April 6, 2012

Week #29 April 9-13, 2012

Literature: William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Poetry: American Haiku (POPS)
Vocabulary: #s 891-916 resort, rudiment, snippet, staid, wayward, admonish, approbation, artifice, bathos, blithe, condole, congest, deference, devout, disband, drab, drudgery, edict, epithet, exemplify, exterminate, impend, impotent, impotent, incidental, inherent, momentary

- SAT Vocab #s 866-890 - due Monday, April 9
- SAT Vocab #s 891-916 - due Monday, April 16


  • Take Test # 6 - Acts IV and V of Twelfth Night and vocab #s 866-890.
  • Read and analyze POPS. Create a poster.
  • Read background on Romeo and Juliet and a short summary.
  • Receive vocabulary list.
  • Work on Exercises 12 and 13.