Saturday, September 25, 2010

OUTLINE FOR REVIEW for Short Story Unit Test

I. Plot, Character, Characterization, Details
- "Marigolds" by Eugenia Collier
- "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell
- "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe
II. Literary Terms
- SIFT - Symbol, Imagery, Figurative Language, Tone, and Theme
- Mood
- Suspense
- Conflict - internal and extrenal
- Characterization
- Flashback- Allusion
III. Grammar
- Parts of Speech: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection (Holt Mcdougal Literature textbook, p. R46-R47)
- Parts of a Sentence: subject (S), predicate/verb (AV or LV), direct object, indirect object, predicate adjective, predicate nominative, prepositional phrase (PREP PHR) (Holt McDougal Literature textbook, p. R48)
***S + V
***S + V + IO + DO
***S + LV + PA
***S + LV + PN
***Prep + Noun or Pronoun = prepositional phrase
IV. Vocabulary
- preclude, impunity, redress, connoisseur, implore, vintage, motley, surmount, vault, perceive, insufferable, catacombs, repose, distill, gesticulate, crypt, circumscribe, promiscuous, recess, termination, immolation, abscond, subside, and aperture

Week 6 Sept 27- Oct 1, 2010

"The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant
" Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry
" The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurt
Grammar: Parts of Speech, Parts of Sentence, prepositional phrase
Vocabulary: "The Necklace" - adulation, aghast, askew, disconsolate, gamut, incessantly, pauper, privation, prospects, vexation, dowry, poise, gnaw, anguish, distraction, compromise, exorbitant, pauper, and ruinous; "The Scarlet Ibis" - prim, spruce, billow, gleam, careen, bedeck, sullen, loll, imminent, infallible, dogged, precarious, exotic, armada, vermillion, heresy, clove, invalid, iridescent, and reiterate

- Vocabulary SAT notes - due every Thursday
- Sentence Writing Homework Week 5 - due Tuesday, Sept. 28
* Summer Reading assignments - due Monday though Wednesday, Sept. 27-29
* TMDG Research Essay - due online Friday, Oct. 1
- Read "The Necklace" on Monday, Sept. 27 - Reading check will follow the next day.
- Read "Gift of the Magi" on Tuesday, Sept. 28 - Reading check will follow the next day.
- Read "The Scarlet Ibis" on Wednesday, Sept. 29 - Reading check will follow the next day.

*** Study for the short story unit test on MONDAY, Sept. 27. An OUTLINE for REVIEW will e posted after this posting. Watch out for it.

1. Short story unit test. - Postponed until Oct. 4, 2010.
2. Alternative activity in case of non-administration of test: read "The Necklace".

1. A reading check will be given today for "The Necklace".
2. Practice finding parts of a sentence. Keep your handout on hand.
NOTE: We will not stop practicing on finding parts of a sentence and identifying parts of speech

1. A reading check will be given for "The Gift of the Magi".
2. Identify, analyze, and discuss examples of literary terms.

1. A reading check will be given for "The Scarlet Ibis".
2. Let's go back to SIFT and analyze the short story.

1. Write the 2nd draft for the original essay on characterization based on "Marigolds".

PREPARE for a quiz or test on Monday, Oct. 4.

Monday, September 20, 2010





Saturday, 9/25/10

8:30 – 11:30

Sign up through your English teacher!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 5 Sept 20-24, 2010

"The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe/ Literary analysis: MOOD
Grammar: Parts of Speech, prepositional phrases, formal and informal language, Parts of a sentence
Vocabulary: preclude, impunity, redress, connoisseur, implore, vintage, motley, surmount, vault, perceive, insufferable, catacombs, repose, distill, gesticulate, crypt, circumscribe, promiscuous, recess, termination, immolation, abscond, subside, and aperture

- Research essay written version - due: Sept 20
- Research Model - due: Sept 24 - extended due date from 21 to 24(BE HAPPY!)
- Grammar packet - one (1) worksheet every Tuesday
- Sentence HW Week 4 - due: Sept 21
- Bring PSAT booklet to class on Tuesday Sept 21.
- PSAT MOCK TEST available on Sept 25


1. Quiz #4 on "The Most Dangerous Game" and vocabulary
2. Work on new vocabulary and Sentence HW Week 4 (if not done).

1. Collect Sentence HW Week 4.
2. Go over PSAT test question stems after a practice run.

1. Go over the BIG question: Is revenge ever justified?
Analyze the use of MOOD in a story.
2. "Meet the author." p. 371 of the textbook.
3. Read "The Cask of Amontillado" and and annotate packet provided.

1. Continue reading and annotating short story and discuss.
2. Work on vocabulary study, practice, and strategy.

1. Collect model/poster/drawing projects.
2. Distribute 2nd draft of the diary entry and write the final draft. - postponed until next Friday.
Instead of the writing the final draft, students will complete the vocabulary assignments for discussion, take a reading check, and receive the sentence writing assignment week 5.

3. Study for the quiz on Monday.