Friday, January 8, 2010

19th week January 11-15, 2010

English IB CP Bellaire High School
Lesson Plan #2 Week #2
January 11-15, 2010

Topics: Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
- Focus on: character, characterization, setting, plot, details, figurative language, irony, iambic pentameter, shared lines, soliloquy, aside, feminine ending, Alexandria

Vocabulary Words: #s 21-40 – due every Thursday
Study Guide page 8 and 9 - due January 19

1. Quiz #1 Shakespeare and Vocabulary
2. Distribute book copies.
3. Discuss Review on Parts of Speech and Capitalization, Spelling, and Punctuation.
4. Work on vocabulary words. SAT format. (if time permits)

1. Distribute Shakespearean terms handout and question guide for Act I.
2. Read Act I. Answer questions and discuss.

1. Read Act I, cont. Answer questions and discuss.
2. Students read and act out parts with shared lines.

1. Read Act I, cont. Answer questions and discuss.
2. Distribute Exercise #9 – Figurative Language. Students work on the exercise and discuss.

1. Exercise #3 – Proofreading
2. Exercise #4 – Simple, Compound, Complex

Monday, January 4, 2010

18th Week January 5-8

English IB CP Bellaire High School
Lesson Plan #1 Week #1
January 5-8, 2010

Topics: Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
- Focus on: character, characterization, setting, plot, details, figurative language, irony

Vocabulary Words: #s 1-20


1. Distribute vocabulary packet.
2. Distribute study guide.
3. Distribute course outline and reading schedule.
4. Count how many students need a copy of the book.

1. Work on vocabulary assignment.
2. Use SAT format.
3. Distribute Shakespearean terms list. Discuss.
1. Read Shakespeare’s World on pp. 983-985 of LOL. Discuss.
2. Read Shakespearean Drama on pp. 986-987 of LOL. Discuss.

1. Review grammar. Use Grammardog exercise #s 1 and 2.
2. Discuss assignment.