Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 12 Nov. 8-12, 2010

Literature: The Odyssey by Homer (film version)
Grammar: Language Handbook pages - phrases
Vocabulary: SAT words: abstract, abstruse, acclaim, accolade, acquiescent, affirmation, alienate, altruistc, aloof, ambidextrous, analogous, anarchy, anathema, antagonistic, antiquated, arcane, archaic, arrogant, articulate, ascendance

- SAT Vocabulary Notes - due every Thursday
- The Odyssey Project - check due dates for the essay on
- Paper assignment - due Nov. 11, 2010
- Peer Review Assignment - due Nov. 18, 2010
- Paper Revision - Nov. 24, 2010
- Group project - terracota jar with depiction of a scene in The Odyssey - due Nov. 15, 2010

1. UNIT Test - The Odyssey (Books 1-12) and Voc. #s 176-195.
2. Work on or discuss vocabulary assignment given last week. Periods 5 and 7 will receive theirs today.

1. Benchmark Test.
2. Divide class into groups of 3 or 4 students. Receive project mechanics.
3. Read a poem and brainstorm for a pre-writing activity. Use the hexagonal (Individual activity)

1. Watch video adaptation of The Odyssey. Viewing will not commence until the rough drafts are ready for submission online.
2. Continue writing rough draft of essay and submit it on by Nov. 11.

1. Watch video adaptation of The Odyssey.

1. Watch video adaptation of The Odyssey.
2. Bring materials for terracota vase to class.