Friday, April 15, 2011

Week #32 April 18-21, 2011

Literature: William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
  • Write pops with oxymoron.
  • Write sentences for each word in the list. Identify parts of the sentence. Include any of the verbals.
Vocabulary: RJ #s 684-708 mantle, garish, dismal, banish, chide, beguile, enamor, crave, tiding, purgatory, validity, carrion, absolve, prevail, predicament, disposition, decree, ascend, hasten, sojourn, signify, jocund, exhale, discord, chamber

- Vocabulary SAT notes - due every Thursday
- Sentences - due every Friday
- POPS - with oxymoron - due daily
- Concession poem - due on Wednesday, April 20

WITS - 1st period
1. Take Quiz # 11- RJ s 654-683/Shakespeare's World/Prologue. Discuss quiz after it is done.
2. Continue to read, annotate, and discuss Act I.

Tuesday- Thursday
1. WITS on Tuesday - 5th and 7th periods
2. Continue to read, annotate, and discuss the play.
3. Distribute project mechanics.