Writing: Sentences
Vocabulary: #s 26-50
resolute,oft, amend, transgress,cuckold,calamity, dexterously,
draught,fortified,codling, contemptible,sinister,malice,
usurp,swabber, homage,profanation,doctrine
- SAT vocab notes #s 26-50 - due: Monday, Jan 16
- Comment on the lasted blog post if you have reviewed the syllabus posted on the blog. - due: by Tuesday, Jan. 10
- Read the first few pages of the Twelfth Night book from the Editor's Preface on page ix to xlix to the Explanatory Notes on page 1. - due: Monday, Jan 9, 2012 in time for the first test.
- Review vocabulary #s 1-25 for the test on Monday, Jan 9.
- Sentence homework - due: Friday, Jan. 18
1. Take Quiz/Test #1 covering vocabulary #s 1-25 and Shakespeare's World/Drama.
2. View a power point presentation on the conventions of Shakespearean Drama and take notes. Notes will be used on an open notes test.
3. Understand and identify conventions of Shakespearean Drama while reading and studying a play.
- types of Shakespearean drama
- blank verse
- iambic pentameter
- aside
- soliloquy
- shared lines
- Alexandria
- short lines
- dramatic irony
- pun
- plot elements
- theme
- characters and foil
- figurative language
1. Continue reading and annotating the play.
2. Discuss answers to study questions.
1. Discuss GUM page 69.
2. Continue reading and annotating the play.
1. Discuss vocabulary words.
2. Continue reading and annotating.
1. Discuss GUM p. 73.
2. Continue reading and annotating the play and work on character found poems activity.
2. Discuss answers to study questions.
1. Discuss GUM page 69.
2. Continue reading and annotating the play.
1. Discuss vocabulary words.
2. Continue reading and annotating.
1. Discuss GUM p. 73.
2. Continue reading and annotating the play and work on character found poems activity.
Prepare for a test on Monday.