Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 10 Oct. 25-29, 2010

Literature: Epic poem - The Odyssey by Homer
Grammar: Punctuation rules, Phrases (prepositional, infinitive, gerund, and participial)
Vocabulary: The Odyssey #s 156-175 - lurk, maelstrom, chaos, avail, ardor, dwindle, tumult, peril, travail, dire, cauldron, blanch, quest, commandeer, justify, plunder, adversity, interval, gall, and rove

- Vocabulary SAT Notes - due every THURSDAY
- Language Handbook pages 63-70 - due Oct 28 after Stanford

1. Quiz #7 - Vocabulary 135-155/Books 1, 5, and some parts of 9
2. Go over punctuation rules.
3. Continue to read the epic poem.

Tuesday and Wednesday

Shortened periods - Contiue reading the epic poem and taking notes. Annotate and analyze the epic style.

1. Language Handbook homework due and go over the answers.
2. Vocabulary homework due and work on vocabulary practice assignments.

1. Continue reading and annotating the epic poem.