Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week #26 Feb 28- March 4, 2011

Literature: Poetry (Four of the Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson set to music by Aaron Copland), Film Viewing and test - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Grammar: Sentences, Parts of Speech, Parts of a Sentence, Phrases
Vocabulary: #s 905-924 - disband, drab, drudgery, edict, epithet, exemplify, exterminate, impend, impotent, incidental, inherent, momentary, motoive, nondescript, overture, perpetrate, perpetuate, purport, sloth

- Vocabulary SAT notes - due every Thursday
- Crossword puzzles - due March 4
- Individual reading - due March 28, 2011
- Read and annotate an Aaron Copland handout I will provide on Friday. A reading check will be given on Monday, March 7.

1. Review diction, imagery, details, language, symbolism, figurative language, plot elements, etc.
2. Tally all scores for the GE reading triplet test.

TAKS English in the morning. In the afternoon, we will start with the GE viewing. Each one will receive the 3rd stage study guide.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Continue the film viewing. Keep taking notes in the study guide.

Receive a vocabulary and sentence assignment covering week 24 and 25.
Submit vocabulary notebook. Each one should have three sets of vocab work: week 24, 25, and 26.

Collect vocabulary and sentence assignment. Discuss some of the sentences.
Receive a copy of the poems and a biography of Aaron Copland and Emily Dickinson.