Monday, January 4, 2010

18th Week January 5-8

English IB CP Bellaire High School
Lesson Plan #1 Week #1
January 5-8, 2010

Topics: Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
- Focus on: character, characterization, setting, plot, details, figurative language, irony

Vocabulary Words: #s 1-20


1. Distribute vocabulary packet.
2. Distribute study guide.
3. Distribute course outline and reading schedule.
4. Count how many students need a copy of the book.

1. Work on vocabulary assignment.
2. Use SAT format.
3. Distribute Shakespearean terms list. Discuss.
1. Read Shakespeare’s World on pp. 983-985 of LOL. Discuss.
2. Read Shakespearean Drama on pp. 986-987 of LOL. Discuss.

1. Review grammar. Use Grammardog exercise #s 1 and 2.
2. Discuss assignment.

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