Friday, February 11, 2011

Week #24 Feb 14-18, 2011

Literature: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Grammar: parts of speech, parts of a sentence, verbal phrases
Vocabulary: Voc #s 865-884 - retract, authentic, averse, bane, caustic, comestible, consort, consummate, derision, desultory, diagnose, eccentric, epoch, excerpt, fervent, flaunt, glean, impediment, incomparable, malinger, moral

- Vocab SAT notes - due every Thursday
- Individual reading - due every night until March 28, 2011

1. Students will read and comprehend selections.
2. Students will identify and use literary terms and techniques before, during, and after reading.
3. Students will analyze the use of literary terms and techniques in reading selections and use and apply conventions of writing when responding to questions.

1. Students will take a reading test on reading comprehension, use and analysis of literary devices and techniques. NOTE: Instead of the reading test I planned for this week, Monday's activity was changed to a TAKS release test due to my absence.
2. Go over the test if there is time.

Tuesday and Wednesday
Go over the test OER questions and answers.
Questions to ASK when answering questions:
- Do I know what the question is asking? Do I understand the question? What question stem is involved?
- Have I highlighted key words to help me understand the question?
- Do I have annotations on the text or the margin? Have I scanned the questions first so I can annotate the text accordingly?
- Does my answer address the question? Is it engaging or insightful to the reader?
- Does my quote support my response?
- Do I have a commentary that connects my response and my support? Is it analytical?
- Is the response comprehensive? What key words (lit. terms and strategies) are in the response? Are there vocabulary words incorporated in my response from our class list?
- Is my response coherent and consistent?
- ON a scale of 0 to 3, what is my score? What is my peer's score?

NOTE: Film viewing will be postponed indefinitely until all TAKS lessons and activities are covered: Great Expectations TAKS test, TAKS released test, TAKS stems and rubric, and support/evidence.

1. View film adaptation (BBC 1999) from the 1st stage to the 3rd stage.
2. Receive study questions for the 3rd stage and continue to annotate for literary devices, syntactical devices, and grammatical structure.

Thursday and Friday
NOTE: Film viewing will be postponed indefinitely until all TAKS lessons and activities are covered: Great Expectations TAKS test, TAKS released test, TAKS stems and rubric, and support/evidence.

1. Continue film viewing if needed.
2. Work on a TAKS released test.

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