Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week #10 October 24-28, 2011

Literature: Homer's The Odyssey
Writing/Grammar: phrases, sentence structure, clauses, figurative language
Vocabulary: adversity, desolate, douse, exile, forlorn, formidable, immortal, mandate, ornate, pine, plunder, pummel, versatile,maelstrom, avail, ardor, dwindle, tumult, travail, flay, dire, blanch, din, heft, implacable

- SAT vocabulary notes - Due Monday
- Annotations - due Daily

PROJECT IDEA: Interactive Odyssey MAP making. (If you have ideas how to make reading of The Odyssey more interesting, let Mrs. T. know. She will give extra credit to whoever will come up with a unique idea that is academic, time-friendly, and creator-friendly.)

1. Take a vocabulary quiz, and notebook quiz #2.
2. Finish the sentence stories, and transfer draft to posters.

Tuesday- Friday
1. Read and annotate The Odyssey.
2. Take sporadic reading checks.  
3. Write thoughts about The Odyssey on paper/in binder notes consistently.
4. Be on the look-out for literary techniques/styles, character changes/motives, heroic qualities, hubris, hamartia, etc.

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